Tuesday, March 8, 2022

New York City Insider: Standing in Support of Our Brothers and Sisters Fighting for Democracy in Ukraine.



For Immediate Release

March 8, 2022

Standing in Support of Our Brothers and Sisters Fighting for Democracy in Ukraine.

Watch Espaillat Floor Remarks


WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, Representatives Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) spoke on the U.S. House floor in support of and solidarity with Ukrainians fleeing violence as a result of Putin's war.

The following are remarks by Rep. Espaillat as prepared for delivery:

"Mr. Speaker,

"New York City and I rise today to stand with our brothers and sisters who are fighting for their Democracy, their country, their families, and their lives in Ukraine.

"Vladimir Putin has waged a war of unprecedented proportions on the people of Ukraine – the likes of which our world hasn’t seen since World War II.  An unprovoked and unjustified attack that has already caused a tragic loss of life and human suffering.

"These are grandparents, mothers, children – being forced out of their homes for fear of being shelled by rockets.  Fathers leaving their families behind to defend their democracy from invaders destined to disrupt and destroy.

"This week, the Permanent Representative of Ukraine at the United Nations told the Security Council that hundreds of Ukrainian civilians have been killed, including children, and thousands of people are wounded, as a result of Russia’s military aggression.  This is a war without remorse – more than one thousand civilians have died and more than 1.5 million people have been displaced. 

"This war has shaken the very balance of power that fostered a peaceful and stable Europe in the decades after World War II. This isn’t just Putin’s war on Ukraine – it’s a rebuke of the Western order, a rebuke of Democratic structure, a rebuke of the will of the people, a rebuke of basic human rights, a rebuke of the rule of law and peaceful coexistence.

"However, Putin is facing unanticipated Ukrainian resistance.  He’s doubled down on this premeditated, illegal, and immoral war.  But those on the frontlines are relentless in their defense of their homeland.  The invasion marks a turning point – and it is our duty to support Ukraine to the best of our ability defend its freedom and sovereignty from Putin’s invading army.

"President Zelensky’s message is clear: He will defend Ukrainian sovereignty and statehood to the very end – and America stands with him, and every Ukrainian.  Today, and every day.

"I commend President Biden for rallying our allies in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine and urge continued support for Ukrainians as they valiantly resist tyranny in the name of freedom and democracy.

"Putin’s actions are a barbaric disregard for human rights, violate Ukrainian’s sovereignty, and pose a threat to all of humankind.  His actions are also hurting the people of Russia.  In dozens of Russian cities, thousands of brave Russian demonstrators have taken to the streets to protest Putin’s military assault on Ukraine, risking arrest.

"It’s heartbreaking that during Women’s History Month – on International Women’s Day – we’re witnessing thousands of Ukrainian women flee with their children from their homes due to Putin’s military aggression.  I have met with survivors of war crimes, including women who are survivors of wartime sexual violence.  Throughout history, sexual violence has been perpetrated as a crime against humanity by authoritarian regimes.

"The United States and our allies must do everything in our power to prevent war crimes from occurring in Ukraine, hold the Russian government accountable, and support Ukrainians.

"That’s why I led my colleagues in a bipartisan letter calling on President Biden to designate Ukraine for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and provide Ukrainian students residing in the United States special student relief (SSR).

"And why I introduced a resolution calling for Vladimir Putin – and the Russian Government – to be held accountable for the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the invasion of Ukraine.

"Putin’s brazen assaults on residential buildings, schools, health care centers, historical sites like the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center, his targeting of innocent Ukrainians throughout this conflict, makes clear he is a man without remorse, has no moral compass, or respect for international law.

"As Putin continues to slaughter the Ukrainian people, the United States must lead in calling for accountability for his monstrous actions, and by being united in our opposition, other nations will follow in our stead.

"This includes a ban on Russian oil – the 800,000 barrels of Russian oil that are stained with Ukrainian blood that the United States purchases from Putin.  The United States has a moral and humanitarian responsibility to support Ukrainians during this ongoing conflict – and we will.

"Madam Speaker, New York City stands with Ukraine.  This Congress stands with Ukraine.  And may God help them keep the faith.

"I yield back."  

Read the full text of the resolution introduced by R
eps. Espaillat and David Cicilline (RI-01) calling for Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to be held accountable for the ongoing violations of international law committed during the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine – amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity. 

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at https://espaillat.house.gov/.

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