Saturday, July 30, 2022

From the Desk of Brian Harrod at New York News Center.


Today's New York News Center Emailed Morning News Letter Went Out To 27,817 Subscribers.... TODAY'S TOP LOCAL NEWS: From The New York News Center THE BRONX: New Clinic To Offer "Immediate" Mental Health Services A short-term treatment center will provide New Yorkers with mental health and substance abuse services.... ### NEW YORK EVENT: Fundraiser for Judge Elena Goldberg Velazquez for Supreme Court - Aug 4 2022 Jamal (Jimmy) Ibrahim hosts our upcoming fundraiser on August 4th at Chat American Grill in Scarsdale. Come support a tremendous leader and accomplished jurist, Judge Goldberg Velazquez.... ### BROOKLYN: Book Festival To Return In September With Over 150 Authors Authors taking part include Elif Batuman, Angeline Boulley, Joyce Carol Oates, Paisley Currah, Hernan Diaz, David Duchovny, Jennifer Egan, and more..... ### MANHATTAN: Jackie Robinson Museum Opens Downtown New York City is celebrating the life and legacy of Jackie Robinson, who broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball.... ### STATEN ISLAND: The NYPD Releases Photo Of A Murder Victim In A Cold Case Detectives say a young murder victim who was slain on Staten Island are trying to garnering new tips to help them finally crack the cold case.... ### THE SIXTH BOROUGH: The Yonkers Downtown Farmer's Market Announced That It Will Be Shutting Down Before The Season Ends Yonkers Downtown / Waterfront BID Fails To Properly Promote The Once Popular Weekly Market.... ### SUPPORT: Local News In New York Preserve local news by supporting New York News Center.... ### FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New York City Subway System To Offer WiFi PRESS RELEASE: Transit Wireless is building New York City a subway Wi-Fi service for all 418 miles of tunnels and 281 stations.... ### NEW YORK CITY EVENT: Poster House Block Party - Aug 6 2022 The Poster House are hosting their first-ever block party on Saturday August 6 from 12–5pm in the Flatiron Plaza..... ### WESTCHESTER COUNTY: Assemblyman Nader Sayegh Calls On New York State To Expand Monkeypox Vaccine Eligibility Amid Dramatic Rise in Reported Cases, There Is A Need For New York State Department of Health to Expand Monkeypox Vaccine Eligibility.... ### NEW YORK CITY EVENT: Blues BBQ Festival - Aug 13 2022 Hudson River Park’s beloved Blues BBQ Festival is back in person and live in the Park! There’s no better way to spend an August afternoon than with savory barbeque, delicious drinks and live music, all on our riverfront.... ### COVID-19 NYC: With cases again on the rise COVID-19 NYC, New York City health officials urge return to indoor masking NEW YORK CITY: Public health officials on Friday urged residents to return to indoor mask-wearing, as they're seeing high levels of COVID-19, , noting how they're seeing high levels of COVID-19 infection.... ### YONKERS BUSINESS: Robert Jacobson Pharmacy is a reliable and friendly source for RX, O-T-C and medical equipment FREE DELIVERY: Jacobson Pharmacy carries a great variety of equipment to supply your needs and can be reached at (914) 965-3049.... ### HELP WANTED: Do you have what it takes to work at this fast paced restaurant and brewery? The Yonkers Brewing Co. is seeking experienced servers, bartenders and an assistant manager. If you are interested please email John Rubbo with your résumé to EXPLORE: See More Local New York News »

Friday, July 29, 2022

New York City Insider: Join My Next Community Coffee and Conversation - This Saturday, July 30th at 10:00 A.M.


For Immediate Release

July 29, 2022

Congressman Adriano Espaillat to Host  Community Coffee Event, This Weekend in the District.

10:00AM: Saturday, July 30th at Fokkus Room & Cucine located at 138 West Fordham Road, The Bronx, NY  10468.

WASHINGTON, DC – Join Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) this Saturday, July 30th at 10:00 a.m. for his next signature "Coffee With Your Congressman" event at Fokkus Room & Cucine located at 138 W. Fordham Road, The Bronx, NY  10468.

During the discussion, Rep. Espaillat will be joined by New York Assembly Member Yudelka Tapia, New York City Council Member Oswald Feliz, and New York City Council Member Pierina Sanchez.  

These informal events provide residents the opportunity to discuss their concerns and share ideas on how to make improvements throughout New York’s 13th congressional district.

August dates and locations will be announced soon!

All events are public and residents are required to RSVP prior to attendance by emailing or calling 212-497-5959.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

New York City Insider: Biden, Hochul to Sock Low-Income New Yorkers With New Tax.


July 28, 2022

“With inflation at a 40-year high and struggling New Yorkers paying some of the highest taxes in America, President Joe Biden and Governor Kathy Hochul are moving forward with the most regressive tax scheme imaginable in the form of a $9-35 daily congestion pricing tax that will punish low-income New Yorkers living in transit deserts and slow New York City’s desperately needed economic recovery. This new tax will be counterproductive and downright mean-spirited. 

“Adding a paywall to enter New York City’s ailing core business districts south of 60th Street in Manhattan will not only inhibit the return of employees to office spaces, it will redirect traffic, including carbon-belching trucks, into other neighborhoods. London has already learned this lesson the hard way after enacting its own congestion pricing tax.  

“Regular commuters didn’t cause the surge in Manhattan traffic; shared ride services like Lyft and Uber — transportation of the wealthy — are the culprit. Now, President Biden and Governor Hochul want the little guy to pick up the tab. 

“It’s wrong and it’s foolhardy. We urge elected leaders to stop this idiocy dead in its tracks.”

 Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free represents a diverse coalition of civic, business, and labor organizations and businesses throughout New York City. We share a simple vision: to keep our city congestion tax free.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

New York City Insider: Espaillat Celebrates 500 Days of American Rescue Plan, Lauds Far-Reaching Impacts in NY-13.



For Immediate Release

July 26, 2022

Representative Adriano Espaillat Celebrates 500 Days of American Rescue Plan, Lauds Far-Reaching Impacts in NY-13.

NEW INTERACTIVE MAP shows how the American Rescue Plan helped New York.


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) celebrated 500 days since President Biden signed Democrats’ American Rescue Plan Act into law, lifesaving legislation that created millions of jobs, kickstarted a successful national vaccination program, helped schools reopen, and funded critical projects in communities across the country. The Rescue Plan ensured that American families nationwide had the support they needed during this pandemic while putting our economy back on track. Click here for an interactive map showing how the American Rescue Plan helped New Yorkers.

“The American Rescue Plan changed the course of the COVID crisis, created millions of jobs, lowered health care costs, helped schools reopen, and provided a much-needed lifeline for families in New York’s 13th congressional district,” said Rep. Espaillat. “Democrats’ unified action in passing this transformational legislation helped Americans get vaccinated quickly, provided Child Tax Credit tax cuts to the families of 3.6 million children, and gave our community the resources necessary to come back stronger from the pandemic, with $23.8 billion in state and local relief.

“The data is clear: the American Rescue Plan helped families put food on the table, stay in their homes, and avoid economic devastation while paving the way for a stronger, faster, and more resilient economic recovery,” Rep. Espaillat continued. “As we mark this important milestone, we will continue fighting to lower costs for families and build a stronger and more inclusive economy that rewards work, not wealth.”

In New York alone, the American Rescue Plan provided: 

*   Economic impact payments of up to $1,400 per person for nearly 10 million adults and children.

*   Increased monthly Child Tax Credit tax cuts of up to $3,600 per child to the families of 3.6 million children, lifting 242,000 New York children out of poverty.

*   $23.8 billion in state and local relief for projects including Community Violence Intervention and job-creation programs like the City Cleanup Corps.

*   $9 billion in relief to help New York K-12 schools to reopen more safely.

*   $3.7 billion for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, which helped save 9,775 restaurants in New York.

*   $2.8 billion for colleges and universities in New York.

*   $536 million in LIHEAP funding to help low-income families pay their energy bills.

*   Helped increase health insurance enrollment to 6.6 million people in New York — a 34% increase over 2020 — and lowered health care costs for millions of Americans.

*   and much more.
Prior to the American Rescue Plan, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the U.S. would not reach a 4.2 percent unemployment rate until the end of 2024. After passage of the Rescue Plan, America’s unemployment rate dropped to 3.6 percent by early 2022, where it remains today — with 14 states seeing their lowest unemployment rates on record. The number of Americans needing unemployment benefits is at its lowest in 52 years. Furthermore, the economic growth powered by the Rescue Plan put the deficit on track to drop by more than $1.5 trillion this year — the fastest deficit reduction in any year on record.

A recent report prepared by the House Budget Committee on the transformational impacts of the American Rescue Plan is available HERE.


Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

Friday, July 22, 2022

New York City Insider: Congressman Adriano Espaillat to Host Community Coffee Event, Saturday, July 23rd at 10 A.M.


For Immediate Release

July 22, 2022

Congressman Adriano Espaillat to Host  Community Coffee Event, Tomorrow in the District.

10:00AM: Saturday, July 23 at Amuse Bouche located at 1590 Park Ave, New York, NY 10029.

NEW YORK, NY – Join Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) this Saturday, July 23rd at 10:00 a.m. for his next signature "Coffee With Your Congressman" event at Amuse Bouche located at 1590 Park Ave, New York, NY 10029

During the discussion, Rep. Espaillat will be joined by New York City Council Deputy Speaker Diana Ayala, New York State Assembly Members Inez E. Dickens and Edward "Eddie" Gibbs, New York State Senator Cordell Cleare, and Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine. This weekend's special guest will be New York City Comptroller Brad Lander 

These informal events provide residents the opportunity to discuss their concerns and share ideas on how to make improvements throughout New York’s 13th congressional district.

Upcoming Dates in July:

* Sat., July 30th: Fokkus Room & Cuisine, 138 West Fordham Rd.

*August dates will be announced soon.  

All events are public and residents are required to RSVP prior to attendance by emailing or calling 212-497-5959.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

New York City Insider: Rep. Espaillat Recognizes Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.



For Immediate Release

July 21, 2022

Statement by Representative Adriano Espaillat in Recognition of Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. 


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) issued the following statement in honor of Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.  

"The COVID-19 pandemic brought on an unprecedented number of mental health issues for Americans across the nation. However, America has been dealing with a crisis for years," said Rep. Espaillat. "This is particularly true for youth of color. Black children under the age of 12 are dying by suicide at twice the rate of their White peers. Suicide is the leading cause of death for Asian Pacific Islander youth ages 12 to 19 years old.  

"I am proud to have introduced a resolution urging mental health resources be provided for adolescents of color.  Additionally, I am proud to see that as of this past week, Americans can finally use the nation-wide 988 Lifeline. This will afford everyone in need 24/7 confidential support if they are experiencing suicidal or mental-health related stress," he continued.

"Despite this stride forward in our fight to accessible mental health care, there are still systemic and institutional barriers to our children of color. Already, the lack of cultural understanding and competency by health care providers cause many to delay or forgo treatment and leads to ‘underdiagnosis’. I vow to continue my efforts to ensure this issue remains at the forefront of our national dialogue to address the mental health needs among communities of color and especially among BIPOC youth. It remains critical that we, as a nation, commit to prioritizing saving the lives of our children---the future of our nation depends on it," Espaillat concluded.

Bebe Moore Campbell was an author, co-founder of the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) Urban Los Angeles, and advocate for mental health education and support among individuals of diverse communities. In 2008, the U.S. House of Representatives designated the month of July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in recognition of Campbell's work and advocacy to address the mental health needs of individuals around the nation.


Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

New York City Insider: Espaillat, Community Leaders Propose Recommendations to Curb Violence at District Bodegas, Supermarkets.



For Immediate Release

July 21, 2022

Representative Adriano Espaillat, Community Leaders Propose Recommendations to Curb Violence at District Bodegas, Supermarkets.


NEW YORK, NY – Earlier this week, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) and community leaders including Bodega and Spanish Community leaders issued a statement following Manhattan District Attorney Bragg’s motion to dismiss the case against Jose Alba. Tomorrow, Rep. Espaillat and community leaders will meet with DA Bragg and present a detailed list of recommendations with shared input from leaders, bodega and supermarket owners, and advocates on how best to address violence throughout the community.

It is critical to ensure a unified front in response to recent local tragedies, particularly the Jose Alba case and recent death of a 14-year old in the subway.

Based on the continued collaboration with community leaders and public officials, the following recommendations have been proposed to further address the ongoing surge in violence to increase safety throughout the community:

*     Increase protections and safety protocols in all neighborhoods including community policing initiatives, mobile police units, and further police presence in hotspots of violent crime;
*     Provide incentive for law enforcement officers to patrol certain designated areas;

*     Install cameras, emergency response ‘panic’ buttons, plexiglass protectors and other security measures without further alarming residents, recommended by the United Bodegas of America;
*     Strengthen the unified voice of community leaders, public officials, and law enforcement;

*     Recommend that cases of violence be addressed in cooperation with local community voices as part of an overall issue of violence affecting all throughout the community and not solely as isolated cases;

*     Urge protections for Jose Alba, and the owners of the Blue Moon Bodega considering attention case garnered throughout the city;
*     Recommend increased vigilance and safety for bodega and supermarket workers;
*     Recommend a study tracking crime and robberies targeting bodegas and supermarkets throughout NYC, currently these crimes are not being tracked; 

*     Push for increased mental health programs for victims of attacks surrounding these issues, including further general mental health guidance within our community.

Statements from Rep. Espaillat and community leaders in advance of tomorrow’s meeting with DA Bragg

“Jose Alba’s case did not go unnoticed, and I commend District Attorney Bragg for today’s motion to the court to dismiss Mr. Alba’s case following his review of the evidence,” said Rep. Espaillat. “I heard from many of my constituents regarding the tragedy that took place earlier this month, and it remains critical that we do all that it takes to address crime and violence that has become a near daily occurrence in my district. I am grateful to DA Bragg for keeping me abreast of the Alba case, which further highlights the need for every level of government to address the escalating crime in the city of New York. 

“I am grateful to Mayor Adams for walking the neighborhood with me last week where this incident and the murder of 14 year old Ethan Reyes occurred and for taking the time to hear the concerns of residents, particularly store owners, on how the city government can address crime in the area. Today’s dismissal is a step in the right direction, and I commend the mayor for increasing the mobile unit of NYPD officers in the Hamilton Heights community. I will continue my calls for increased resources to help bodega and supermarket owners ensure safety and vigilance at locations. This is a matter of safety for all throughout my district so that our essential workers can feel safe doing their jobs, families can feel safe navigating daily routines throughout our city, and some of our most vulnerable neighborhoods can have much needed resources to address the issue of crime and keep our neighborhoods from falling through the cracks of violence,” continued Espaillat.

“Today is a win, not only for Jose Alba and his family, but for the justice system as a whole,” said Council Member Shaun Abreu. “Prosecution is not a political process—it’s an evidentiary one. I applaud District Attorney Bragg for his meticulous work examining the evidence, which has resulted in the dismissal of charges. The events of July 1st are tragic, and we must not forget that they highlight the critical need for public safety and investment in our communities.” 

“Members of the National Supermarkets Association (NSA) commend Congressman Espaillat for his leadership working collaboratively to address Mr. Alba’s case as well as to find solutions to crime in New York City,” said Samuel Collado, President of the National Supermarkets Association. “Today’s news of the dismissal of this case is welcomed throughout the community. Individuals must feel safe while going about routines to their local grocery provider to purchase food and other resources for their families, and we must do all it takes to ensure that tragedies such as the case with Jose Alba and Austin Simon do not happen again in our community.”

The Yemeni American Merchants Association and its members are extremely happy to learn that the charges against Mr. Jose Alba are being dropped. We appreciate the due diligence DA Bragg put into this investigation,” said Dr. Debbie Almontaser, Co-Founder of the Yemeni American Merchants Association

“We must continue to be the change we want to see in our community,” said United Bodegas of America President Radhames Rodriguez. “We are appreciative of Rep. Espaillat for leading on this issue to bring attention to the Jose Alba’s case and are grateful to DA Bragg for today’s dismissal of this case.  

“As a community of bodega, supermarket, and restaurants owners, we are appreciative of today’s outcome for Mr. Alba and are grateful to the DA for his actions to dismiss Mr. Alba’s case,” said Jeffrey Garcia, President of the NYS Latino Restaurant Bar and Lounge Association. “Violence cannot become the norm in our city and we must do all that it possible to ensure the safety of families in every corner of our neighborhoods and businesses.”

“District Attorney Bragg's court request to dismiss the case against Mr. José Alba is a good decision,” said Élida Almonte, president of the Dominican Chamber of Commerce in New York. “As a community activist who defends the rights of the working class and the entire community in general, we understand that incidents like this should serve to foster unity among elected officials, activists, and members of the community, in order to seek viable solutions and fairness to guarantee the rights of all, and especially during a time when New York City is experiencing an increase in crime.”


Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

Monday, July 18, 2022

New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat Announces Grant Opportunity for Citizenship Preparation.



For Immediate Release

July 18, 2022

Representative Adriano Espaillat Announces Grant Opportunity for Citizenship Preparation.

$20 Million USCIS Program Support Made Possible by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, which Espaillat Helped Secure as a Member of the House Committee on Appropriations.

NEW YORK, NY – Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) announced the following grant opportunities through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Citizenship and Integration Grant Program to provide up to $20 million in grants for citizenship preparation programs in the district.  

USCIS is now accepting applications for four funding opportunities under the expanded program. In line with Executive Order 14012 and the Interagency Strategy for Promoting Naturalization, USCIS is calling for new and innovative approaches and targeted outreach to remote, underserved, or isolated communities.

Unlike in previous years, applicants may apply under more than one funding opportunity, and applicants are encouraged to apply jointly to expand geographic reach and coverage.

The four funding opportunities include:

Citizenship Instruction and Naturalization Application Services. USCIS will fund public or nonprofit organizations that offer both citizenship instruction and naturalization application services to immigrants. USCIS expects to award 42 organizations up to $300,000 each, for a period of 2 years through this opportunity. Applications are due by Aug. 5, 2022.

Community and Regional Integration Network Grant. USCIS will fund public or nonprofit organizations that provide individualized services to certain immigrants, including those who entered the United States under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, were granted asylum, or were admitted or entered the United States as a Cuban or Haitian entrant. This year, the program, which was formerly called the Refugee and Asylee Integration Services Grant, has expanded eligibility to include organizations that serve individuals admitted on a Special Immigrant visa; victims of human trafficking and criminal activity; and abused spouses, children, and parents under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). USCIS expects to award 3 to 6 organizations up to $300,000 each for a period of 2 years. Applications are due by Aug. 5, 2022.

Regional Hub Program (NEW!): This new grant opportunity is designed to fund regional or statewide citizenship support networks that build capacity among their affiliates/members to provide direct citizenship education services to immigrants. Applicants are expected to serve as a hub for communication and information sharing on citizenship preparation among their affiliates/members and within the broader community. USCIS expects to award 5 to 10 grants of up to $1 million each, for a period of 2 years through this opportunity. Applications are due by Aug. 5, 2022.

Innovations in Citizenship Education Program (NEW!): USCIS will fund public, nonprofit, or for-profit organizations that amplify innovation in citizenship education. USCIS will award innovations grants to organizations that foster creative approaches to preparing immigrants for naturalization, and encourage the civic, linguistic, and cultural integration of immigrants into their communities. USCIS expects to award up to 25 organizations up to $250,000 each for a period of 2 years through this opportunity. Applications are due by Aug. 5, 2022.

In addition to the traditional programs which fund citizenship and English acquisition classes, the 2022 grants have been expanded to include opportunities for groups to apply together to reach more geographic areas as well as a funding opportunity for innovative ideas. 

USCIS encourages organizations across diverse communities and geographic locations to review the Notices of Funding Opportunity to learn about the fiscal year 2022 funding opportunities.

For more information on the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program:

*    Review the eligibility requirements to find out if your organization is eligible to apply for the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program;

*     Contact the USCIS Office of Citizenship at or visit gov/grants for information on how to apply; and

*     Subscribe to the Public Engagement Division updates to receive information on our upcoming webinar to discuss the fiscal year 2022 Citizenship and Integration Grant Program.


Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

Friday, July 15, 2022

New York City Insider: Congressman Adriano Espaillat to Host Community Coffee Event, Sunday, July 17th at 10 A.M.


For Immediate Release

July 15, 2022

Congressman Adriano Espaillat to Host  Community Coffee Event, Sunday in the District.

10:00AM: Sunday, July 17th at Buunni Coffee located at 213 Pinehurst Ave, New York, NY 10033.

WASHINGTON, DC – Join Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) this Sunday, July 17th at 10:00 a.m. for his next signature "Coffee With Your Congressman" event at Buunni Coffee located at 213 Pinehurst Ave, New York, NY 10033. 

During the discussion, Rep. Espaillat will be joined by New York City Council Member Carmen De La Rosa and New York State Assembly Members Al Taylor and Manny De Los Santos and will provide updates on his ongoing efforts to strengthen infrastructure in his congressional district as well as discuss grant opportunities for local community projects. These informal events provide residents the opportunity to discuss their concerns and share ideas on how to make improvements throughout New York’s 13th congressional district.

Upcoming Dates:

* Sat., July 23rd: Amouse Bouche, at La Marqueta, 1590 Park Ave.

* Sat., July 30th: Fokkus Room & Cuisine, 138 West Fordham Rd.
All events are public and residents are required to RSVP prior to attendance by emailing or calling 212-497-5959.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat Votes for Active Shooter Alert Act.



For Immediate Release

July 14, 2022

Representative Adriano Espaillat Votes for Active Shooter Alert Act.


WASHINGTON, DC – Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) voted for legislation to quickly warn New York communities of a nearby active shooter.  The Active Shooter Alert Act will establish a program similar to the AMBER Alert system, allowing law enforcement to effectively and efficiently alert the public during a shooting.  Secured by the Democratic House Majority, today’s passage follows House Republicans’ inexplicable attempt to obstruct this life-saving legislation last month. 

“New Yorkers, including thousands of survivors, are demanding action to combat gun violence and increase safety across our communities,” said Rep. Espaillat. “Building on the enactment of the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, I proudly voted to help law enforcement keep New Yorkers safe and informed during active shooter incidents.  This commonsense, straightforward measure will equip communities in the state with the resources, training and strategies they need to save lives.  As we work to enact this urgently needed legislation, House Democrats will continue fighting to overcome Republican obstruction and bring our nation’s gun violence epidemic to an end.”

Since 2009, communities across the nation have been torn apart by nearly 300 mass shootings – attacks that have killed more than 1,500 people and wounded 1,000 more.  Among the most urgent challenges during an active shooter incident is the need to prevent additional victims from unknowingly walking into the line of fire. 

The Active Shooter Alert Act will support these life-saving efforts by establishing an Active Shooter Alert Coordinator at the U.S. Department of Justice.  The Coordinator will offer state and local law enforcement officials voluntary access to training, technical support and advice for improving or implementing active shooter alert systems.  These resources include guidance on the most effective alert content, delivery strategies and recommendations such as silencing alerts in the immediate vicinity of a shooter. 

This legislation is strongly supported by major law enforcement organizations, including the National Sherriff’s Association, Major Cities Chiefs Associations, National Association of Police Organizations, Fraternal Order of Police, National Police Foundation and National District Attorneys Association. 

Last month, President Biden and the Democratic Congress enacted the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – the country’s first major gun violence prevention legislation in nearly three decades.  This landmark legislation secured life-saving measures to keep weapons out of dangerous hands, strengthen mental health services and bolster school safety.  


Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

New York City Insider: Marty Dolan for NYC Office of Public Advocate.

For the New York City Office of Public Advocate. In August, we filed an exploratory interest, and today, following the latest City Hall deba...