Thursday, February 24, 2022

New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat Introduces Resolution Recognizing Dominican Heritage Month.



For Immediate Release

February 24, 2022

Representative Adriano Espaillat Introduces Resolution Recognizing Dominican Heritage Month.


NEW YORK, NY -- Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) released the following statement in support of his resolution recognizing Dominican Heritage Month: 

“As the first Dominican American to ever serve in the United States Congress, I am proud to recognize Dominican Heritage Month and celebrate the contributions Dominican Americans have made to society," said Rep. Espaillat. "During Dominican Heritage Month, we reflect and celebrate our culture, achievements, and growth of the Dominican diaspora in the United States and recognize our social, economic, and cultural impact throughout the fabric of America. 

“I am proud of the significant accomplishments that Dominican Americans have achieved – and believe my role as the first Dominican American in Congress is to ensure that I’m certainly not the last. This month, we acknowledge the tremendous courage and sacrifices of our forefathers and reaffirm our commitment to supporting the next generation of Dominican American leaders and their impact to their communities. Somos fuertes, somos resilientes y estamos Unidos."

You can read the full text of the resolution HERE.

The introduction of today's resolution coincides with Rep. Espaillat’s fourth annual Dominicans on the Hill, which he hosts annually to recognize the growing civic engagement throughout the Dominican American community and diaspora. This year’s Dominicans on the Hill is slated to premiere live today, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. (EST) on Facebook and YouTube and will highlight Dominican-American elected officials and civic leaders from around the nation. 

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

New York City Insider: Statement from Representative Adriano Espaillat on Russia’s Unprovoked and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine.



For Immediate Release

February 24, 2022

Statement from Representative Adriano Espaillat on Russia’s Unprovoked and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine.


NEW YORK, NY – Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) issued the following statement in response to last night’s unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine:

“Strong leaders uphold the rule of law and care about preserving innocent human life, while weak leaders treat people with cruelty and ignore norms, principles, and fair play,” said Rep. Espaillat. “With last night’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion and attack on Ukraine, the Russian government has chosen to launch a premeditated war of choice that will bring catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. U.S. intelligence analysts have warned that 25,000 – 50,000 civilians may die and 1 million to 5 million refugees may be in danger as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine. In addition, U.S. officials informed the United Nations that Russia is compiling lists of Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation. Russia has violated the core principles that uphold global peace and security with its intentions to change the borders of a sovereign country by force. 

“An attack on Ukraine is an attack on democracy, and history serves as a reminder of what is at stake and that we must never turn away and remain silent during moments such as this. President Putin’s actions are reminiscent of the invasion of Czechoslovakia prior to WWII – and we must act swiftly to hold him and the Russian government accountable for their attack on Ukraine, disregard for human life, and clear violations of international law. 

“The United States has prepared for this moment in close coordination with our NATO allies and global partners to ensure a strong and united response, clearly and loudly calling out Russia’s aggression and playbook for invasion and will hold them accountable.” 

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat to Host Fourth Annual Dominicans on the Hill.


For Immediate Release

February 23, 2022

TOMORROW: Representative Adriano Espaillat to Host Fourth Annual Dominicans on the Hill

Premiering Live on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. (EST) on Facebook and YouTube


NEW YORK, NY – Representative Adriano Espaillat’s (NY-13) fourth annual Dominicans on the Hill is slated to premiere live on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. (EST). This year’s virtual event will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube and will highlight Dominican-American elected officials and civic leaders from around the nation.

Held annually during Dominican Heritage Month, Dominicans on the Hill was created by Rep. Espaillat to recognize the growing civic engagement of the Dominican-American community and throughout the diaspora. Traditionally, Dominicans on the Hill is a day at the United States Capitol that is attended by hundreds of community leaders, professionals, students, and elected officials of Dominican descent. This year’s virtual will include a fireside chat between Rep. Espaillat and the Honorable President of the Dominican Republic Luis Abinader, as well as an interactive segment with young Dominican tech professionals, an informative discussion on gun violence prevention and the impact of gun violence on communities around the nation, and much more. 

Highlights during this year’s event will include messages from President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Bob Menendez, Dominican Republic Ambassador Sonia Guzmán, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and special guest appearances by Magic Juan, Amelia Vega, and Al Horford. 

The life of "El Caballo Mayor" Johnny Ventura will also be celebrated during this year’s program, including special performances by Jandy Ventura, Manny Cruz, Miriam Cruz, Fefita La Grande, and others! 

This year’s Dominicans on the Hill will be hosted by on-air talent and dynamic duo, Damaris Diaz and Brea Frank

Visit online for updates on this year’s event on Twitter and Instagram: @RepEspaillat and @DominicansHill and be sure to follow Rep. Espaillat on Facebook and Twitter at @RepEspaillat and on Instagram at @RepAdrianoEspaillat.

In addition to Rep. Espaillat’s social media channels, this year’s virtual program can also be watched live on Noticias SIN; TV Quisqueya; Channel 812 in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canada through Dish Network; Channel 1096 in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut through Optimo Cable; TeleMiami; Channel 1020 through Xfinity and Vega TV; Channel 52 through Altice; Channel 48 through Claro; TDN; and Channel 73 through Altice and Claro.


Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

New York City Insider: Group to MTA: Stop Fare Evaders; Skip Congestion Tax.



Group Calls on MTA to Clean Up Mess Before Taxing New Yorkers Even More.


New York-Feb. 23…The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is likely losing hundreds of millions of dollars each year to bus and subway fare evaders, and New York drivers are being wrongly stung with a controversial new tax to make up for the MTA’s failure to crack down on the scofflaws, the group Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free today charged.


Nearly one third of New York City bus riders are now refusing to pay fares, according to a story released Tuesday, costing the MTA $56 million in the final three months of 2021 alone. Subway turnstile jumpers are not paying fares at similar rates. Together, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free estimates, the city and state are losing upwards of a quarter of billion in revenue each year, about half of what congestion pricing would yield annually after operational costs. 


“The MTA doesn’t need to impose a new tax on New Yorkers to shore up its budget,” said Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free spokesman Joshua Bienstock,” it simply needs to enforce fare collection and to cut down on the waste for which it’s infamous. Once again we are seeing taxpayers getting socked from the failure of the government to do its job, and that’s not right.


“A new tax on drivers is a bad idea for myriad reasons,'' Mr. Bienstock continued. “In addition to hurting low- and middle-income New Yorkers living in transit deserts most, this regressive tax would massively increase traffic north of 60th Street in Manhattan and in the outer boroughs, redirect carbon-belching trucks into communities of color, and, perhaps most urgently, seriously inhibit Midtown’s and Downtown’s economic recovery. How about a little common sense from our government leaders?”


Estimates for a congestion pricing tax range between $9 and $35 per day.




Keep NYC Congestion Tax Freea diverse coalition of civic, business, and labor organizations and businesses throughout New York City, argues that implementing a tax on vehicles traveling south of 6oth Street in Manhattan will, among other things, permanently damage efforts to revitalize the two districts. 



Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Brian Harrod Reports News: NEW YORK CITY: Mayor Eric Adams Announces Record 100,000 Summer Youth Employment Opportunities.


New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat Statement Condemning President Vladimir Putin’s Decision to Recognize Independence of Eastern Ukrainian Territories.



For Immediate Release

February 22, 2022

Representative Adriano Espaillat Statement Condemning President Vladimir Putin’s Decision to Recognize Independence of Eastern Ukrainian Territories.

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL -- Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) released the following statement condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recognition of two territories in the Donbass region of Ukraine as independent:

"I condemn Putin’s blatant assault on the freedom and security of Ukraine, a sovereign and independent country. We will seek unity where Putin seeks to divide, and we will speak the truth to counter his disinformation," said Rep. Espaillat.

"After WWII, people from across the world came together to create the United Nations, headquartered in New York. The United Nations was formed to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights. Importantly, our international system is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all nations. The UN Charter specifically states that countries 'shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.' Vladimir Putin’s desire to return to an era of conquest and violence, threatens the security of Ukraine, Europe, and the world at large. 

"We must protect the UN Charter’s values and principles to ensure that all people can live in a peaceful world with freedom and equality. Appeasement policies did not stop authoritarian dictators with expansionist views in the twentieth century, and they will not stop them now. We must work together with our allies to hold Putin and the Russian government accountable, prevent the escalation of conflict, and preserve our international legal system," Espaillat concluded.

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

Monday, February 21, 2022

Brian Harrod Reports: NEW YORK CITY: Mayor Plans To Stop Homeless People From Sheltering In Subways.


#NYC Mayor #EricAdams, has previously said he felt "unsafe" riding the city's subways, is now saying the city will now require all passengers to leave the station at the end of their ride...

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Brian Harrod Reports: BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Latrell Flowers By Tia Latrell.


Shop the Apparel, Accessories and Houseware of Latrell Flowers, but be sure to also purchase the mystery thriller, Something Strange In My Town by Cynthia Hudson-Laney, Partner, Manager, and Floral Artist at Latrell Flowers.
It is a story with so many twist and turns that you may just sprain your neck trying to keep up.
It is an amazing read that will keep you so captivated that you won’t want to put the book down.
Source; New York News Center

Friday, February 18, 2022

New York City Insider: Reps. Espaillat, Torres Lead Congressional Call to Increase Fire Safety Measures in New York City and Nationwide.



For Immediate Release

February 18, 2022

Reps. Espaillat, Torres Lead Congressional Call to Increase Fire Safety Measures in New York City and Nationwide.

Members Pen Letter Urging Appropriations Leadership to Include Measures in FY2022 Budget.

NEW YORK, NY --Today, Representatives Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) and Ritchie Torres (NY-15) led a letter calling on House Appropriations leadership to include fire safety measures as they continue to negotiate the FY2022 federal budget. This letter comes in the wake of the fire at Twin Parks in the Bronx that took the lives of 19 people, including 9 children and over 30 people with life-threatening conditions, as well as the recent fires in Philadelphia and Oakland.

“These recent tragedies – throughout New York City and across the nation – make clear the urgent need for increased federal support for our residents to keep themselves and their families safe from these potentially catastrophic events, especially those that could have been prevented and saved countless lives,” said Rep. Espaillat. “New Yorkers feeling safe and secure in their apartments should be a right, not a privilege – regardless of their zip code or socioeconomic status. I’m proud to lead in this effort with Rep. Torres today to ensure that fire hazards and fire risk mitigation are eligible for federal funding.”

“It is no accident that the four worst fires in New York City’s history in the last thirty years have all been in the Bronx. The tragedy in my district at Twin Parks North West only underscores the need for federal action to ensure tenants are safe in their homes no matter their zip code,” said Rep. Torres.  “As Congress continues to negotiate the FY22 budget it is essential that fire mitigation solutions are fully funded and accounted for. I am thankful to be joined in these efforts by my Bronx colleague Rep. Espaillat to keep our communities safe and prevent future fires.”

In a single year, fire fighters respond to 1.4 million fires in the United States which can result in thousands of deaths and millions of dollars in property damage. It is imperative that the federal government take the proper steps to ensure that state and local municipalities have resources to mitigate fire risks.  

Under the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, the Healthy Homes Program strives to protect families from a litany of safety concerns like mold and asthma. This recommended language would explicitly include fire hazards in this list of concerns which would guarantee that fire risk mitigation efforts would be eligible for resource funding.

In addition to Representatives Espaillat and Torres, this letter was also signed by Madeleine Dean (PA-4), Earl Blumenauer (OR-3), Juan Vargas (CA-51), Dwight Evans (PA-5), Jesús G. “Chuy” García (IL-4), Jan Schakowsky (IL-9), Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-12), Jamaal Bowman (NY-16), Nanette D. Barragan (CA-44) and Jerrold Nadler (NY-10).

You can read the full text of the letter HERE and the text of this correspondence below.

Dear Chair DeLauro, Chair Leahy, Ranking Member Granger, and Vice Chairman Shelby:

As you negotiate a final Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Omnibus package, we urge you to support the inclusion of fire safety measures for residential communities.

In a single year, it is estimated that fire departments respond to 1.4 million fires in the United States. Across the country, house fires continue to be a leading cause of death and property loss. In 2020, there were 490,500 residential home fires which resulted in $12.1 billion in damages and the loss of 2,730 lives[1]. Though only a quarter of fires occur in home properties, they cause 74 percent of fire-related deaths. Unfortunately, due to a legacy of racist zoning laws Black people are more likely than other people of other races to die in accidents like fires. Though they only make up 13 percent of the US population, Black Americans represent 25 percent of individuals killed in residential fires across the country[2].

Currently, in the FY22 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development bill, the committee has recommended that $460 billion be allocated to the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes. This money is partially meant to mitigate common health hazards found in homes, though the current language does not explicitly mention fire hazards. That is why we are asking for the following language change be considered during negotiations:

Requested Report Language: Multiple health hazards in homes.—The HHI strives to protect children and their families from housing-related health and safety hazards. Among these health and safety concerns are mold, noise, allergens, asthma, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds. Additionally, these safety concerns include fire hazards such as, but not limited to, cooking, smoking, heating, lighting, flammable liquids, and other home hazards that may lead to a fire. The presence of these multiple hazards exacerbates existing health problems and can lead to new physical and psychological ones. The Committee directs the OLHCHH to give homes with multiple hazards priority consideration.

We must be proactive in acknowledging the danger of fire hazards that exists in every home. Thank you for your attention and consideration of this request.

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat Introduces First-Ever Resolution Honoring Harlem Renaissance Movement.



For Immediate Release

February 16, 2022

Representative Adriano Espaillat Introduces First-Ever Resolution Honoring Harlem Renaissance Movement.

NEW YORK, NY -- Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) introduces the first-ever resolution honoring the legacy of the Harlem Renaissance Movement – a defining cultural, social, and political movement in American history.

“Black history is American history – and the contributions of African Americans are reflected throughout our society on a daily basis, not only during the month of February but each and every day,” said Rep. Espaillat. "The Harlem Renaissance is one such example and was a cultural movement that radically redefined the Black experience in New York City and had a resounding affect across the United States -- one that continues to influence artists, writers, and intellectuals who are making incredible impacts on their communities around the world. I am proud to introduce the first-ever congressional resolution honoring the legacy of the Harlem Renaissance Movement – to recognize, promote, and preserve the rich history and cultural impact of the Harlem Renaissance and to ensure Harlem’s legacy is forever remembered and celebrated for generations to come.”

During World War I, industries faced labor shortages and encouraged African Americans to relocate north from Jim Crow south with the hopes of greater economic opportunities, housing, education, and the prospect for a better life. Harlem in New York City was one of the most popular destinations for African American families, a formerly all-white neighborhood that by the 1920s housed some 200,000 – 500,000 African Americans. This considerable population shift resulted in a movement that fostered the growth of African American culture.

The era saw the burgeoning of literary work by and about African Americans, and Harlem’s development as a Black cultural mecca in the early 20th Century and the subsequent social and artistic explosion is considered a golden age in African American culture in literature, politics, fashion, scholarship, music, stage performance and the arts. The movement also laid the groundwork for the civil rights movement and continues to inform the activists of today in calls for reform and to ensure social justice and equal rights.

“Harlem’s development as a Black cultural mecca in the early 20th Century precipitated the golden age in African American culture and its influences are still evident throughout the rich tapestry of American culture. The legacy of the Harlem Renaissance can never be understated and must forever be cherished throughout the history of our nation,” concluded Espaillat.

You can read the full text of the resolution HERE.

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

New York City Insider: Readout Following Second Avenue Subway Expansion Roundtable Discussion.



For Immediate Release

February 15, 2022

Readout Following Second Avenue Subway Expansion Roundtable Discussion.

Rep. Espaillat Hosted Hybrid Roundtable with Transportation Shareholders on Phase II of the Second Avenue Subway.


NEW YORK, NY -- Last week, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) hosted a round table to discuss the Second Avenue Subway Phase II project as the expansion enters the “engineering phase” of the project.

Earlier this Congress, Rep. Espaillat in collaboration with Senator Chuck Schumer fought to secure $8 billion for the Capital Investment Grants Program in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and an additional $15 billion over the next five years, subject to Congressional appropriations.

This funding is a tremendous investment in projects such as the Second Avenue Subway Phase II extension in New York's 13th congressional district which is expected to receive $3.4 billion of Capital Investment Grant “New Start” Funding over the years, as requested by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), and accounting for 49% of the project’s total costs, with the remaining coming from local sources.

The Second Avenue Subway is intended to provide much needed transit access in Manhattan to East Side residents, workers, and visitors; reduce crowding on the nearly 100-year-old Lexington Avenue Subway Line; and improve mobility for all New Yorkers.

"I am proud to have secured the inclusion of funding to help propel the Second Avenue Subway Phase II extension which supports the livelihood of over 100,000 East Harlem residents who currently experience barriers to job opportunities, educational advancement, and access to hospitals and medical care due to lack of public transportation," said Rep. Espaillat. "As this project moves forward, it is critical for stakeholders to come together in an effort to avoid unintended consequences of large-scale development projects, such as gentrification."

During Friday’s meeting, participants discussed community input regarding this large scale infrastructure project, their vision for a communal “uptown grand central”, maintaining and supporting local residents and small businesses, workforce training and development—especially in coordination with the Charles B. Rangel Center for Infrastructure Workforce Training Center at City College, and more. Congressman Espaillat reiterated that the completion of Phase I created 16,000 jobs, generated $842 million in wages, and produced $2.87 billion in economic activity during its construction and he looks forward to “beating” those numbers during the construction of Phase II. Finally, the FTA and MTA disclosed that they are in constant engagement in an effort to guarantee that the Second Avenue Subway Phase II extension enters the third and final construction stage of the project.

Rep. Espaillat was joined by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer; Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-12); former Congressman Charles B. Rangel; New York City Councilmember and Deputy Speaker Diana AyalaJamie Torres-Springer, President of MTA Construction & Development; Stephen Goodman, Regional Administrator, Region II, Federal Transit Administration; Nivardo Lopez, Deputy Secretary for Transportation to New York State Governor Kathy Hochul; as well as representatives from Uptown Grand Central, the Association of Commuter Rail Employees Union, Community Board 11, AK Houses and 1774 Houses Tenant Associations, The General Contractors Association of New York, Building Congress, WE ACT, and developers joined either in person or virtually. 

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and the north-west Bronx. First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat is serving his third term in Congress. Representative Espaillat currently serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), where he serves in a leadership role as the Second Vice Chair and is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where he serves as Deputy Whip. Representative Espaillat also currently serves as a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. To find out more about Rep. Espaillat, visit online at

New York City Insider: Marty Dolan for NYC Office of Public Advocate.

For the New York City Office of Public Advocate. In August, we filed an exploratory interest, and today, following the latest City Hall deba...